Filtering your way to success with goHUNT's INSIDER

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Filtering your way to success with goHUNT's INSIDER

Researching a new hunting area has never been easier. The internet is a powerful tool for hunters and the team at goHUNT.com has taken research to the next level with INSIDER. One key feature that is useful to every hunter looking for hunting opportunities in their state or neighboring states is the ability to enter a search criteria and their system will filter out specific hunting units for you. Searching a specific hunting area is simplified by using Unit Profile filtering. The filtering is done by state, species and season. For example, a hunter can easily search for additional opportunities in a state to extend their hunting season or narrow down what season to apply for. We will use Idaho over-the-counter early season elk hunting as an example.

With the filtering tool, you select Idaho —> Elk —> Early rifle (over the counter). The Unit Profile filtering showed all units in Idaho that meet your criteria. This will provide the hunter with a fantastic starting point for researching those units that meet the criteria. From there you can dive into each individual Unit Profiles to figure out the terrain, access, amount of public land and the quality of animals and tag quotas and harvest success.

In the past, hunters relied on state regulation handbooks to sort out this information, but that would only get you so far. You used to search for hours on the internet trying to gather this information on your own, which was usually both tedious and inaccurate.

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Western Hunter

This article was either featured in Western Hunter Magazine or compiled by a team of editors. Get access to fresh print articles every other month with a Western Hunter Magazine subscription!

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