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In Field Tactics

Tips for General Area Elk Hunting

Elk hunting in general tag units is tough, but knowledge of an area and the elk can bring more success year after year.

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In Field Tactics

7 Steps to Better Backpack Hunting

Nate shares his 7 simple tips to becoming a more prepared and more comfortable backpack hunter.

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In Field Tactics

Randy Ulmer's Take on Shot Placement and Moving Elk

Randy Ulmer answers the question; "What do you recommend when you are presented with shop opportunities at moving elk?"

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Goal Zero Review – Solar Power for Hunters and Outdoorsmen

As hunters we are always trying to get away from civilization, away from the roads…away from everything! We strive to […]

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Why Unit 201 Muzzleloader?

"I researched areas like 61 and 76, but finally decided on either Unit 1, 2, 10, or 201. There is plenty of public land, great genetics, fewer tags, and lots of the pinyon-juniper country that I like to hunt..."

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High Value, Low Budget - Part III

Trekking Poles Every summer, someone on the more popular hunting forums asks,” Do trekking poles really work?”  Yes, they do, […]

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High Value, Low Budget - Part II

Butt Pads This is a new one for me, my mom says I am “built like a buffalo, all shoulders […]

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High Value, Low Budget - Part I

Jason Amaro outlines the items in his pack that he considers to be "high value, low budget" necessities.

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Elk Fit – Man vs. Elk

Dan's tips for getting into shape for your elk hunts.

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Preparation for the Mountain - How Fit is Fit Enough?

"I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is to just keep it real. You don't have to be a world-class endurance athlete to hunt the mountains. However, heading into a hunt like this with poor preparation will not only likely leave you disappointed, but it might also ruin much of the enjoyment of the hunt you came there for in the first place..."

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Caribou Game Bags Review

Caribou Game Bags, lightweight, durable, reusable, and many different sizes to meet the needs of a specific hunt.

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Staying on Track in the Off Season - Wilderness Athlete Review

Let’s face it – most of us have, at one time or another, gone on a health “kick”.  We’ve tried […]

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