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Preparation & Planning

Three Steps To Making Better Shots On Game

While there are many things I have done to improve myself as an archer and hunter, these are the three steps I feel made the biggest difference.

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Lens Selection for Hunting Photography

Don’t convince yourself that you can take an inferior lens and make it work for cover quality images - you can’t.

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The Basics Of Shooting In Manual

Auto mode can only do so much and if you want to take your photo game to the next level, you’re going to want to start shooting in manual mode.

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Lifestyle & Fitness

Creating a Solid Game Plan in the New Year

Make your time count and write out your goals, know your why, create a plan, eliminate distractions, stay positive and sprint full speed towards your passions and desires.

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Lifestyle & Fitness

Charging Up for High-Exertion Backcountry Hunts

Months of planning and preparation are involved in every hunt. The last thing you want to happen is to “hit a wall” and tap out early.

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In Field Tactics

Intro to Backcountry Meat Care

It's fun to get wrapped up and carried away in the trophy characteristics of the animals we take, but don’t avoid the value of meat care.

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Shared Use of the Backcountry: Best Practices

In Part 1 of this article, I shared some examples of interactions I had with an outfitter while hunting in […]

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Preparation & Planning

It's Worth Carrying

I often hear the excuses made by hunters who make the conscious decision not to carry a sidearm to defend […]

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In Field Tactics

To Build A Fire

If you are unfamiliar with the classic Jack London short story To Build a Fire, it is a tale of […]

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Whatever It Takes

Zach Kenner shares the story of his Dall sheep hunt in Alaska.

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Sharing the Backcountry: Outfitters vs DIY Hunters

If you spend much time in the backcountry, you’ve likely hunted in areas assigned to outfitters for commercial use by […]

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In Field Tactics

Be More Successful Mule Deer Hunting - Part 2

Outwitting a mature mule deer buck is high on many hunters’ bucket lists. Here are some tips and ideas to narrow down your unit to more manageable chunks and eliminate those days of simply taking your bow or rifle for a hike.

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