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Tripod Buyers Guide

Not all tripod legs are created equal - for good reason. There are three crucial criteria to consider when purchasing a tripod: 1) purpose, 2) use, and 3) requirements.

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Gear Legends - Outdoorsmans Tripod System

It could be argued that no product in the western hunting industry has had as much impact and profound change in the way we actually hunt as the Outdoorsmans Tripod

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Preparation & Planning

E-Scouting Tips & Techniques

E-scouting can help you understand a unit’s terrain, road access, habitat, pressured areas, animal behavior, and develop backup plans that will ultimately lead to more success.

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Preparation & Planning

Tips for Picking a Hunting Spot

When I show up to a new area, I already know many of the best vantage points in the unit before I ever set foot there. This starts at home, well prior to the hunt. Here are the steps I take in order to locate what I would deem as the “best spots”.

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Preparation & Planning

BaseMap for E-Scouting

DIY western big game hunting is a lot of work. The planning, preparation, travel, and hunt all require time and dedication to put all the moving pieces together.

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Master the Art of Self-Filming

With thousands of days spent self-filming, I want to share the secrets I have learned over the years of capturing my hunts and help lessen the learning curve for those of you interesting in capturing your hunt on film.

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

Alaska Afloat

We covered more than one hundred and sixteen miles total, and seeing the two float planes land on the smooth river surface made it all worthwhile.

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

Of Caves and Rams

We ventured off as planned, pulling a camping trailer with my 3500 Ram loaded down with two week’s worth of grub, 150 gallons of Avgas in drums, and 130 gallons of diesel fuel in the Tidy Tank. What could possibly go wrong?

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

4 in 48

We rolled into camp that night very late and shared the good news with Steve and Nate. We had more meat to pack out, but our hunt was over. Four bulls in 48 hours exceeded our wildest expectations.

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

Uncharted Territory

I looked at 20 rams, walked countless miles, lost over 20 lbs, and spent the better part of summer in a tent. My goal was to take a mature ram and in the end, I surpassed my goal

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

Crazy Odds

Hearing that the results had been released, I opened up my oldest son Trey’s FWP profile and saw he was “successful” in the draw. Then I opened up my younger son, Tyson’s, and saw he was also “successful”!

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Adventure & Hunt Stories

Big Sky Dreams

After about 45 minutes, it finally happened. I felt the wind hit the back of my neck. I immediately drew back and like clockwork, the bull’s head whipped upright.

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