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Gulo Stalkers Rapid Gear Review
At the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo this past February (2022), Nate Simmons discovered the GULO Stalkers. Brothers Wesley and Omni Warner had been searching, in vain, for the perfect stalking shoe so they decided to build their own. The GULO Stalkers and 100% wool and hand crafted in the USA. The natural fibers provide excellent sound dampening and added cushioning. GULO stalkers offer a lace to toe design with a wide tope box to accommodate the widest foot or can be cinched tight for a narrow foot. If you have tender feet, you can add your favorite insole without jeopardizing the silencing effects of the wool.

I asked Nate what inspired him to buy the GULO Stalkers (yes he paid full price). Here are his comments:
I’m not tough enough to go barefoot or wear just socks on stalks in the high country. About five years ago, I purchased a pair of leather moccasins down at the local boot shop. After wearing them on soils covered in dry/fine gravel (common in the high country), I found them still a little noisy, though a lot quieter than wearing my boots. I ended up gluing a layer of felt onto the bottoms, and it did the trick – they are super stealthy. The only problem I have with them is that they are a little heavier than I would like, considering I use them primarily on backpack hunts for mule deer in the high country.
Recently, I found GULO Stalkers, an all-wool stalking shoe that is nearly half the weight of my old leather/felt moccasins in my size 12 foot, coming in at 11 oz, compared to my old moccasins, which are over 20 oz. The wool is as quiet as the felt I glued on the bottom of my leather moccasins but without the unnecessary leather that added extra weight. I think these GULO Stalkers are going to be the perfect solution for closing the distance on my high country deer hunts.
Price: $175
Contact: www.gulooutdoors.com
Publisher’s note: GULO Outdoors was started by Wes and Omni Warner, who have both been featured in previous issues of Western Hunter. They are both accomplished high country mule deer hunters and understand the challenges we face.