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Pelican 1755 Air Long Case
It has been decades since the first high-tech polymer rifle case hit the market. We have seen them stepped on by elephants and dropped from helicopters to prove how tough they are. While I appreciate a rugged case, the odds of anything this dramatic ever happening are about a bazillion to one. What is guaranteed is that I will carry that case a lot, and the airlines charge a ridiculous amount of money for any bag over 50 pounds. The Pelican Air line of cases has come to our rescue by combining gorilla-proof protection with super-light, proprietary HPX polymer construction, delivering the best of both worlds. The best example is the Pelican 1755 Air Long Case.
The Pelican 1755 Air Long Case has internal dimensions of 55”x14”x8” and weighs 25 pounds, it is still lighter than any equivalent 50” case, while still being waterproof, crushproof, and dust proof.

The 1755 does not skimp on features, with six patented press-and-pull latches, an extra-large, foldable handle (less breakage), stainless steel bearing wheels, pressure equalizing valve, and stainless-steel padlock protectors. The interior includes customizable pull-and-pluck foam as well as mounting bosses for Pelican’s 1500MP EZ-Click MOLLE panels. These panels allow you to attach a variety of MOLLE or Velcro pouches to customize your case for a trip to the range.
If you research restrictions on checked bags, you will see that practically every airline limits the bag size to a total of 62” for the combined length, height, and width. The 1755 exceeds this limit, but then again, every golf bag and half of the large roller cases do as well. I have never been charged an excess baggage fee for a gun or bow case, but it could happen. I have found a smile followed by a sincere “good morning” and “thank you” will ensure your traveling success.
There are 20 different cases in the Pelican Air lineup, including an awesome bow case (my current hard case), carry-on cases, and tool cases. Each one offers creative interior design with the toughness to handle any job.