Developing and Maintaining Healthy Knees - Part 2
If you struggle with constant knee pain then Coach P wrote this article for you about developing and maintaining strong knees
Being a Western Hunter is a lifestyle from off-season training, to enjoying the game we take, and all aspects in between.
If you struggle with constant knee pain then Coach P wrote this article for you about developing and maintaining strong knees
Coach P shares his knowledge of the most common mistakes that can contribute to underperforming knees.
Tagging the location of your photos can help you remember where they were taken to help build a modern hunting journal.
Fuel your body with the highest quality, whole natural, fresh dehydrated food to help keep you at your best.
Sarcopenia - loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process. Here is why it happens and how to prevent it.
If your goal is to be on the mountain day after day, then take Kristy's advice and start to make your health a priority.
"Pushing your body in the backcountry in less than ideal physical condition is hard; pushing a poorly conditioned, dehydrated body is downright dangerous due to increased risk of heart attack and hyperthermia..."